Welcome to Thriving Workplaces

We’re your partner in building a workplace where psychological health and safety and mental health are at the forefront. 

If you’ve landed here, it’s because you’re ready to transform your organization so that everyone can thrive. We’re here to guide you through the process.

Workplaces are grappling with more than just deadlines and quarterly goals. We’re talking about the mental health of your team—your most valuable asset. Thriving Workplaces is here to guide you through the maze of workplace mental health strategy and psychological health and safety.

A one-size-fits-all approach won’t cut it. Your organization is unique, and so are the challenges your team faces. Thriving Workplaces is here to tailor a mental health strategy and training program that fits your specific needs, addresses your specific pinch points so that your team can work at their best.

Addressing mental health isn’t a nice-to-have – it’s mission critical.

As the world evolves, so do the challenges in your workplace – from stressed-out employees to the demands of the modern work environment.

The kicker? If you don’t address the root causes of these problems, you face declining productivity, increased costs due to absenteeism and leaves, increased turnover and attrition, and more difficulty attracting the talent you need to be successful.

On the other hand, if you do address the root causes, you’ll see increased productivity, increased creativity, a more engaged workforce, and frankly, it’ll be a better place to work.

Picture this: a workplace where everyone is not just showing up, but thriving – energized, focused, on-top of their workload and priorities, and ready to tackle whatever comes their way. That’s the dream, right?

Why a Strategy?

Most workplaces know they need to do something about workplace mental health and psychological safety. 

So they book a mental health workshop or invest in a new app or bump up their employee benefits. These are great places to start, but it’s not the whole picture, and it doesn’t address the underlying, specific concerns in that workplace.

We already know that workload is a challenge in most workplaces, and we know you want to be strategic about how you use your and your employee’s time. You’re not afraid of doing the work to support your team, but you want to make sure you’re focused on the right things.

That’s where we come in. We’re not about fluff and theory. We’re about implementing best practices, being honest and trustworthy, focusing on your employees, and creating workplaces  that are diverse, inclusive, equitable and accessible. 

We know that developing a workplace mental health strategy can sound daunting, but it’s also necessary. Thriving Workplaces is about empowering Canadian workplaces to be a force for good. We’re not just another consulting company; we’re your partners in building a workplace where everyone can thrive.

What makes us different

We’re not fans of just checking off a box when it comes to workplace mental health. 

Too many training programs are “one and done,” failing to address the ongoing need to reinforce what employees learn and how leaders interact with their teams. 

That’s why at Thriving Workplaces, every workplace training is part of a larger framework that looks at your organization as a whole, your leaders, and the individuals in your team.

Each workplace mental health training comes with added value to help you keep momentum. All trainings include:

* Workplace-specific customization – we find out what’s really important to you and your team, and focus on that so that you get the most out of the time together.

* Senior Leadership on-boarding – your senior leadership team is busy, so let’s give them a tailored brief so they know what to expect and how to answer any questions going forward.

*What We Heard report – you get a concise summary of what we heard from your team during the customization process and during the training, along with recommendations for your next steps. 

Working Together

Design Your Strategy

We provide strategies based on best practices, offering the tools to support implementation.

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Build Leadership Skills

We empower leaders with the skills needed to navigate the complexities of workplace mental health.

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Train Employees

We focus on individual empowerment, helping your team operate their own locus of control for advancing workplace mental health.

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Why Now? Because the World Needs Thriving Workplaces

We get it, addressing workplace mental health is a lot to take on. But guess what? The world needs it, your employees need it, and your organization needs it. We’re not just another checkbox on your to-do list; we’re the missing piece in the puzzle of creating a workplace that’s not just surviving but thriving.

Why Us? Because We Get It, and We’ve Got You Covered

Psychological Health & Safety Certified

Presented workshops and training to over 50 organizations and conferences across Canada